Sunday, August 30, 2009

What a Mess

I had to take the dreads out :( The bee's wax i was using unfortunately had way too much petroleum in it and they turned out to be a real mess. So now back to the drawing board. I am going to get the right stuff for it and then start over again. What a disappointment.


babyhellfire said...

NO WAX!!! none. none at all . bad bad bad.

... sorry.
sorry. Mini rant.
I love you. don't use holds your hair togther so it LOOks more presentably dready- BUT it keeps it from rubbing together and tangling(which it needs to do to dread)..
also. sticky icky- stuff getting in your dreads because of them being sticky.
or worse, holding on to water and causing mold. I honestly am not a HUGE wax hater, and even considered it myself... but I think wax maybe best if you want short term semi temporary dreads, and are willing to cut your hair/dreads off in a month or two.

Try a bit of 100percent aloe if you want to gel them up more presentable,
but the best thing... is to just accept it will be weird for a good long time.. invest in hats , hair wraps, and bandandas...
eventually you will have something presentable. Some it takes longer than others.
Honestly if I had your curly hair, I woulda gone all natural letting it form its own groups and not even "twisting and ripping" into dreads like i did mine. Just washing with plain residue free stuff and not brushing. Your hair should form dreads really quickly. and when they form just pull apart how you want.
Everyones hair dreads given time. its just tangles man.

sandra said...

OH wow what a reply :) Thanks for putting that much effort into my post...

As for curly hair? Not at all, it's very straight and thin. I usually roll it up into a bun on the top of my head everynight, 1. i can't stand it down when i'm sleeping 2. i need some body. 3. it tangles so easily when i sleep with it down.

I will do what you suggested. Thanks soooo much :)

Btw, yours are looking really good. I'm envious!

babyhellfire said...

why'd I think your hair was curly?? well wavy. I knew that. -silly !
Probably pretty similar to my hair.Thin and slightly wavy...but tooo thin to hold a curl so it goes stick straight when you brush it??
My hair is reaally super baby fine.. I had always heard thicker hair dreaded better- bt my thin hair is soo tangle prone it seems to be going really quick.
dreads just take patience. nothing else. just time.In fact from everyone I have asked the less you do seems to be the better in the end.I am sorry about the mess and trouble.Your hair is gorgeous no matter what you decide to do with it now :)

I love your blog. I try to comment every post .. but sometimes don't have the words or right things to say.
-- oh boy and when I posted that hge response at 4 am I felt soo bad and weird. sleeplessness makes me craaazy. I am glad you weren't offended by my crazy. lol

sandra said...

Haha, i can't be offended by craziness, i rather like it tbh. But i didn't think your reply was crazy. I am a night hawk as well, i don't do days very well. Andrew's on the same path and it works great for us :) Thank god.. .

It does sound like we have the same hair type. Where would i purchase a low residue shampoo from? Any names i should be looking for?

I will try again forsure. It's not just a style that i want, it's in my blood and every fabric of my been to have them. It's know longer an option... lol now how crazy is that?! :P

babyhellfire said...

Awesome :)

You can get dr.bronners at most health foody type places. or online. as well as dreadHQ. I have even heard a few people using suave clarifying- just no conditioner .some brave souls switch to only water and a monthly (or less)deep clean with Apple Cider Vingaur soaked in all day.

Honestly i have/had been doing 'poo-free" thing for over a year and I just stuck with that. scrubbing my head with baking soda water.. then using lemon juice and ater as a rinse after.

and I agreee dreads are totally you.
I am amazed they are "me" . People tell me that and that they love them all the time. i did not expect that. really did not expect to love my hair so much this way. I am very happy.