For all you American's reading this, Canada Day is on July 1st.
Hmmm let me jog my memory. After all that was 11 days ago now... Far away in Sandra's brain!
First things first, i had to find something to fasten the flags onto the kids shirts (Anika and Andrew) so that they could have capes and be Super Canadian's.
And then we went to some radio family picnic event that was being held downtown at the CNE grounds. They had live music and dancers from India. We watched that for a bit but it was too loud for the kids so we left after they stuffed their mouths with candy floss.
After that we hopped onto a street car and went to the Harbour Front. While there we saw a few of these.
And the kids enjoyed playing in the sand. But of course they wouldn't have nothing to do with the camera and the pictures that i did get of them are all way too blurry for me to post because they move way too fast for my old camera (or my dexterity - haha)... So this is the best i could do for the sand shot.
And being the patriotic girl that i am (although i wish they would unify the whole world into one Country) i had to take a picture of them standing and looking at a Canadian icon. For you American's out there can you guess what it is? By the way, to get this picture and several like this, i had to lie down on the pavement and look like a quack so that i could get the whole tower in. Yes, i looked like a crazy woman. No i did not care.
Then they wanted to join in on my madness. But they looked much cuter.
We walked on the board walk for awhile, but had to stop for many breaks. Every.thing.that.catches.their.attention must be looked at and talked about or played with, or jumped on, or touched, you name it, they are always on the go, even if they are sitting still.
I wonder what they were talking about.
In Canada we first learn to sail on cement ;)
We then found our way to the bandstand and watched this amazing band play for about 4 songs until the kids got antzi. The woman in the band sounded amazing, she sounds like a cross between Mazzy Starr and Enya. Wish i could have gotten her name. The picture didn't turn out that great.
We then decided that is was time to head home, we didn't want to be in the rush with all the people that were staying behind to watch the fireworks, done that before, and never again.
On our way out, not even 30 steps away they saw this. (an outdoor skating rink that isn't made from ice), and of course they had to just check it out. Until they got kicked off because there is the "NO SHOES" on rink policy that's not written anywhere.
So once again were headed home, i'm pretty tired, Don's pretty tired, but lo and behold, there right in front of them is a pile of ICE inviting any 6 yr old child that just so happens to pass by. And how could they not refuse? Sigh.
After about 10 mins of that, we really thought we were going to leave, well first i had to go to the washroom, and decided to take Andrew with me since he told me about 30 mins prior that he "REALLY" needed to go. But he insisted that he didn't have to go (because he wanted to keep playing on the ice-cubes). But he did and it was the longest pee that i think anyone one has ever had (perhaps he should go into the Guinness book of records for having the largest bladder in the Universe). But of course i didn't take a picture of that :P
No, it wasn't in our cards to leave quite yet, why? because of course they had to have a clown act you know, and they weren't going to want to leave while some girl was throwing numerous things into the air, one of which was a fire act! OF COURSE NOT. So we stayed.
And that was our Canada Day. It was fun. It was full of adventure. It was sunny and warm. It was free. It was purely Canadian. The only way it could have been better is if we were celebrating the "REAL" planet Earth Day where there is no borders, and only one nation.
We did make it home..... Eventually.
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