Thursday, June 24, 2010

This and That

The boys on fathers day.

With big sister Lisa.

Andrew decided it would be funny to pack a bunch of toys on his grandfather.

It's been really hot outside lately. Not that i don't mind hot but i hate humidity and it's been VERY humid lately.

So then what have we been up to?

Last Saturday we went downtown to get computer parts, while Don was doing that Andrew and I went to Kensinton Market playground. I forgot my camera tho, actually since having to give back my sister Tammy's super duper SLR canon camera i haven't been really wanting to take pictures lately, i guess i got spoiled. So where was i? Oh ya, our downtown trip. As always it was lots of fun. After Don was finished getting what he needed we headed to Queen St to get their favorite home fries. I on the other hand watched them while they devoured them because i was on a 10 day fast. After they finished that we walk over to Dundas Square because i heard there was some kind of music festival going on but i totally did not expect to see Iggy Pop there. Now that totally freaked me out.. Free and everything. But it was PACKED and VERY loud. So Don took Andrew to a book store and I decided to be stupid and tried to get a close up view. BAD MISTAKE. All i can say is one word, SQUISH. I love Toronto. And i love Iggy Pop.

Sunday was fathers day and Don's parents, Aunt Lydia and Lisa came for a visit. It was a nice visit, his parents bought 2 pizza's from my favorite pizza place so that was really hard and tempting but i didn't have one bite. And i survived. Lisa bought her dad some red wine and a bottle of his favorite rum. He was happy about that. Andrew bought him some pens and a heart shaped posted note.

SO that's about it. Besides the usual of going out to the park and such, not much else to really write about.

OH except for the "big" earth quake he had. I was sitting at my desk and talking to my sister Tammy on the phone and i felt something, i thought that maybe one of the cats were doing something behind my chair but then looked over at the fish tank and the water was moving back and forth, and that's when i knew something wasn't right. Don and Andrew felt it too. Being on the 38th floor of a building kind of makes you have all these thoughts on what could it have been. So we quickly left the building just in case. Once we got downstairs and outside we heard what it had been. Phew.

Toronto is hosting the G8/20 summit this year and that will start today. Quite a bit of the downtown core has been fenced in making it a ghost town. People that work there are working from home. People that live within have to wear a security badge saying that they are residents within the boundry of the summit. It's crazy crazy. I think i might stay away from that. The protesters are out in full force. I wonder if they actually are going to be heard or is it just for publicity... Tomorrow i want to go back to Dundas Square because they are having some sort setup where artist can sell their art, and a live concert. But i first have to find out if there are going to be protesters there cause i don't want to put Andrew in harms way.

So anyhoo, that's about it. Hopefully as the summer moves along i will have more to post about...

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