Thursday, June 26, 2008

From Melissa

This was written by my 11 yr old niece Melissa.. I am so proud of you Melissa, i hope that one day your dream comes true in your life time...

If I could make a wish, I would wish cancer away!

Hi my name is Melissa and I lost my grandma to cancer last May 2007.

She would always say I hear the word, I know the word; I just can't say the word.


I lost my grandma a year ago to cancer,
You never think it could happen to someone you love,
I cried for her more than anyone I have before,
She was so weak, fragile, and young,
But cancer doesn't care who its victim is,
Live each day like it is your last,
That's what my Nana would say,
All we have left is her past,
Now she is gone,
She'll be remembered forever,

So I thought I had to do something, with this in mind I started growing my hair and now today 2008 I have long hair, so I can do something for someone with cancer. I will be donating my hair to Locks for love .With the help of my community Driftwood Park I took donations on behalf of my quest. I will be donating $200.00 to cancer in hope to make this terrible word go away forever.
Thank you to all at Driftwood Public School

1 comment:

Smurfy said...

That was beautiful. (((hug)))