I'm so thankful to have been in relatively great health for most of my 43. I am thankful that I live in a peaceful Country that is multicultural and recognizes the rights of gay people and allowing them to marry. I am thankful that we have free health care. I am thankful not live in fear of my life or be wondering if i can feed my kids. I am thankful to be blessed with a wonderful family, both biologic ones and non biologic. I am thankful that i was able to have 2 beautiful children. I am thankful that both of them are healthy. I am thankful to have met Don and i feel so much in love with him as much as the first day that i fell into love. (and putting up with my PMS, oh you poor dear). I am thankful that my family has been expanded with his equally wonderful children. I am thankful to have parents that loved me and sticking with me after having a child at 17, and for being there when I needed help ... I am thankful to have Dons parents that love me and except with open arms into their family. I am thankful to have the opportunity to stay at home with Andrew all day and be able to teach him at home. I am thankful to have my fur babies Reggy and Isis's unconditional love, they are always ready to greet me at the door or in the mornings after i come out of my slumber. I am thankful that i have friends that love me and are willing to listen to me when i need to vent about something (you guys deserve a metal ~ wink wink ~) .. I am blessed to have 2 sisters that have been there for me in my times of crisis, sharing hugs, laughter and a few drinks with every so often ;) , thank you Tammy and Lynn, i love you. Through thick and thin.
Ok that was a bit more then a few, but believe me there is a LOT more things that i am thankful for.
I am thankful to be alive.
Here is how my Thanksgiving weekend rolled.
Sat my dad picked Andrew, Anika and me up and brought me to the house for our family dinner. I got to meet my Great Niece Sophie for the first time :) She is perfect, she is gorgeous and she is sooooo tiny still.
The second time around mom with her new baby.
This is the new moms sister my niece Stacey with her boyfriend Steve holding Sophie, they will make great parents one day.
Christina (my baby) and baby Sophie.
The next day my sister Tammy, her daughter and son in law Tara and Geoff and their 2 kids Austin and Sophie, Andrew and Anika and i went to the pumpkin patch together. Unfortunately Austin got stung by a bee on his ear shorty after we arrived there so his parents took him home right away just in case he was allergic since he's never been bitten by one before. The poor little man was in so much pain. :(
Our Littlest Pumpkin.
The 3 muskateer's, Austin, Andrew and Anika. Actually with Andrew having 3 missing teeth he's looking a bit like a Jack-o-lantern himself :P
Absolutely beautiful. I give my sister Tammy credit for taking this picture!
Then Tammy insisted on paying for the kids to take a pony ride.
This was Andrew's first time on a pony.
Looking to see if he could find Austin going to the car :(
And then realization that he was really gone :( .. Andrew was pretty upset about that.
Anika looked like a natural on it.
Then it was photo shoot time! Muahaaaahaaaaaahaaaaa.
Andrew doing his "usual" pose these days.
Ummm you're going to have to push harder then that Andrew!
I don't think anyone could be more happier then that!
And then after the pumpkin patch my sister and dad drove us to Mississauga to celebrate Thanksgiving with Don's side of the family. Mmmmm, 2 turkey dinners in 2 days, heavenly. And being with those that i love, BLISS. We also got the privilege of celebrating Don's parents 60th wedding anniversary as well. Imagine being married for that long? Even tho they've been married for so long you can tell that their love for one another has never faded. They are truly 2 people to look up too and learn from. Another thing to be VERY thankful for.
Anika really likes hanging out with the girls!
Don's parent with his 2 aunt, Aunt Lydia who had hosted the dinner at her place and his Aunt Shirley that came all the way from California, they both made the very tasty dinner.
Aunt Shirley, Grandpa and Nanny.
Trying to get a group shot turned out to be barely possible. But I like it better this way anyways. It's more candid.Not to mention there were a LOT of peeps taking pictures at the time.
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