Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Andrew and I went to Kitchener for Easter. Tammy and Dad picked us up on Friday. We went to the "BIG HOUSE" as the boys call it. Tammy and Carman had a fire, Stacey and Steve came out to visit with their favorite Auntie. Then we went to Tammy's place and slept there for the night. Sat we had an Easter Egg hunt and dinner at the big house. Lots of great company and the food was delicious. The weather was very nice. Lots of little boys for Andrew to play with. He had a GREAT time. Steve bought Tammy and I beautiful flowers and the two of them made up a BEAUTIFUL basket for ALL of the kids there, there were 8 all together. It was so nice seeing family and being in Kitchener as well. I haven't been there since last summer.

After dinner and socializing Andrew and I went to my dads for the night. It felt like too short of a visit tho. Andrew was getting cranky and missing his daddy, so Sunday Tammy and Dad drove us back home. Thanks guys for the beautiful memory. I LOVE you all so much.

Now for the hunt. Andrew has been talking about this hunt for over a month now, talking to me and telling strangers everywhere we went about it. I wish i could have video taped him collecting them, i swear he was the most excited kid there.

His Nannie and Grandpa S sent him a nice card with $10 in it. He was pretty excited about that as well.

Some pics of the back yard.

And from the front yard.

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