Compared to last month everything is pretty quiet. No visitors. No Christmas shopping. No wrapping either. No tree taking over the view. No fancy lights or decor. That's all gone for another year.
So then, what have we been doing?
We've been going to the Science center quite a lot. They have workshops for young children during the week. So i have been implementing that with Andrew's homeschooling. On the 7th, they had a work shop on Healthy Foods. Now Andrew will eat granola cereal with yogurt (i have only been trying to get him to eat that for years now), but oh well, at least now he'll eat it. Another thing to add to his VERY small list of things he'll eat. On the 8th they had a Optical Illusions workshop. On the 15th they had a Magnets workshop. On the 26th they had a Dinosaurs workshop. He really LOVED that one. He is starting to talk a lot and is very articulate in his speech. He'll talk for hrs about dinosaurs and Scooby Doo. He's actually got many of the workers there calling him by name now. They all really like him, you can really tell. He's got quite the magnetic appeal.
We've been doing more and more school work this month. He can count to 100. Printed his first sentence (by memory). I will post a picture of that. Learning how to read small sentences. He doesn't really like reading a whole lot so i think i will go slower on that and try not to push it, he'll be ready when he's ready. I don't want him to hate it. He's been learning about dinosaurs (since he likes them so much), i can't get over how much he already knows on them. He knows what a herbivore, meat eaters and omnivores are and which dinosaur eat what. And he knows almost all of the dinosaurs names. For science he is learning all about sound.
Art, he absolutely LOVES drawing. Everyday he sketches pictures of monsters and ghosts. And he's pretty good at it.
One night last week while we were lying in bed before he fell asleep he asked me, mommy, how long did it take for me to come out of my egg? I'm like what??????? Then it dawned on me that he thought he was hatched out of an egg like dinosaurs did.. LOL, too cute.
He's got his first loose tooth. And WON'T stop wiggling it. Another excitement for Andrew.
All in all, he's still the greatest kid in the universe.
Always trying to scare me:
His first sentence... I spoke the words out loud and he wrote what i was saying.
His first loose tooth.
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