Friday, May 9, 2008

Andrew spent a Night in Hospital

Sooo, by Wednesday he wasn't getting any better. I took him to a walk-in clinic to see if the Dr thought that he needed to be taken to the hospital. He looked him over and said to force him to drink for 2 hrs and if he's still the same to take him to the hospital. Got him back home, we managed to get a cup of water down him. He fell asleep on the couch and about 45 mins later he vomited everywhere. So i took him to emergency. When we got there they took his vitals and put him into a room right away because he was sooo lethargic. A nurse came in and told me to force pedialite into him via a syringe, but every time i did he would just spit it out. The ER Dr came in and took one look at him and said that he needed to be put on IV fluids. He said that after about 2 bags it would be like night and day with how he behaved. The nurses came in about to put his IV in and take blood work. While they put it in he barely cried because he was so weak. He was so dehydrated that he couldn't even make tears. They got it in and started giving him boluses ( ), they gave him about 5 bags of those (the way they explained it to me the bolus is a concentration of the stuff he needs and it's been administered quickly into his body). About an hour later the ER doc came in and said that he looked a bit better but i couldn't see it at all. So we waited to hear what the blood results were. The Dr came in about 3 hrs later and said that his blood sugar and electrolytes were low so he wanted was getting the pediatrician to see him and that he would be admitted. The ped came in about a half hr later. She looked him over and said that he likely had an intestinal infection and that he would be placed into isolation. He arrived into his room at midnight, got settled and then daddy arrived. He started asking for things to eat and popsicles so things were starting to look good. He had a popsicle and fell asleep for the night. He woke up the next morning and seemed a LOT better. He noticed what the button do on the side of the bed rail and played with those gleefully making the bed move up and down. He wanted to eat. And he walked around a bit and played a Scooby Doo game. After a few hrs the Dr came in and said that he looked well enough to go home :) ... Sooo here we are. Today he has some runs and he's still a bit weak but he's on the mend :) .... What a week this has been.

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