Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Grading

Andrew had his first karate grading last weekend (April i6th).. It went ok. He was more focused on staring at us watching him then the actual grading. (Must remember, unlike most kids his age that are in school and have preformed in plays and choirs etc, this is his FIRST time EVER doing any performance for us let along all the other ppl that came to see him and the other kids parents as well.) It was a full house. Actually he was the only kid there that kept being told by Sensei to focus, not only once either. He was also the only one that needed to go to the washroom half way thru. But besides that he did well. I asked his Sensei the next class afterwards about it and he said it was very normal for him to act that way for the first grading. Phew. His Nannie, Grandpa, Great Aunt Lydia, big brother Alexander and our friend Mike were also there the see him. Afterwards we all went to this REALLY GOOD East Indian restaurant and let me tell you they made the BEST curry chicken dinner I have EVER tasted.

Now for the pics.

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