Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Sir Andrew had his 1st filling done today and he did exceptionally well. The Dr said that you can tell that he's a well adjusted child because of the way he was. Yup, of course I'm going to brag about that. He has to go in again next week to have another filling done. Then hopefully that will be it for a LONG time. Damn those dentists make good money.

I went to the hospital today to see the heomotologist about my low white blood count. I hated it there. It brought back way too many memories of mom :( .. The Dr ordered more blood work. I will get the results tonight. She said that she's not too concerned about it cause they are not overly low. But wants me to get an ultrasound done on my spleen to see if it's swollen because of the pain I have been getting there. She also mentioned that she might have to get my bone marrow tested, but that depends of what my blood work looks like today. (keep fingers crossed that i won't have to get that done, she told me it's quite painful)..

Also, i am scheduled to have a breast reduction done on Nov 16th, YAY, no more back pain.

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